Beyond the Surface: Chat bots May Experience ‘Hallucinations’ More Than We Think.

Beyond the Surface Chat bots May Experience 'Hallucinations' More Than We Think.

Beyond the Surface: Chat bots May Experience ‘Hallucinations’ More Than We Think. A chat bot has become a part of our everyday lives thanks to artificial intelligence and conversational agents. They’re our virtual companions, answering all our questions, and even mimicking human dialogue. There’s something fascinating and concerning about chat bots under their programmed facade—they may hallucinate more than many people think.
Understanding Chat bot ‘Hallucinations’:
An unexpected chat bot response is basically a hallucination.

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Microsoft’s GitHub Unveils Copilot for Enterprise: A Game-Changer for Private Code Development

Microsoft's GitHub Unveils Copilot for Enterprise A Game-Changer for Private Code Development

Microsoft’s GitHub Unveils Copilot for Enterprise: A Game-Changer for Private Code Development As software development evolves, GitHub, now under Microsoft’s umbrella, announced an advancement that will change how companies deal with their private code repositories forever. A new Copilot AI coding assistant from GitHub has been enhanced to learn and adapt to a company’s private code base, as well as assist developers. Innovations like this will accelerate coding processes, boost collaboration, and boost code quality for enterprise software development.

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Amazon Launches European ‘Sovereign’ Cloud as EU Data Debate Rages

Amazon Launches European 'Sovereign' Cloud as EU Data Debate Rages

Amazon Launches European ‘Sovereign’ Cloud as EU Data Debate Rages AWS just announced its European “sovereign” cloud in an effort to address data sovereignty and security concerns. The launch comes at a time when the European Union (EU) is embroiled in a heated debate over data protection, privacy; the need for European companies to get more control over their data. Amazon’s new initiative and the EU’s ongoing data sovereignty debate are explored in this article.

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